30 agosto, 2006

Resultado del estudio de mercado

Hace tiempo comenté que en LinuxDesktop se estaba haciendo un estudio de mercado sobre el uso de programas en Linux.

El resultado es el siguiente:

1. Which Linux distros do you use on your home or office desktop system(s)?
Arch Linux 1.7 %
Damn Small Linux (DSL) 1.5 %
Debian 12.2 %
Fedora 7 %
Gentoo 9.6 %
GoblinX 0 %
Kanotix 0.9 %
Knoppix LiveCD 2.9 %
Linspire (formerly Lindows) 1 %
Mandriva (including Mandrake, Lycoris, Connectiva) 4.8 %
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 2.9 %
openSUSE 10.1 %
PCLinuxOS 2 %
Pie Box 0 %
Puppy Linux 0.6 %
Red Hat 2.2 %
SimplyMEPIS 1.5 %
Slackware (or SLAX liveCD) 4.6 %
Tomahawk 0 %
Ubuntu (including Kubuntu, Edubuntu) 29.2 %
VectorLinux 0.6 %
Xandros 0.8 %
Zenwalk (formerly MiniSlack) 1 %
Other (please email us) 1.5 %
Does not apply 0.4 %

2. Which windowing environments do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
BlackBox 1.6 %
GNOME 35.1 %
Enlightenment 3.8 %
Fluxbox 3.9 %
IceWM 3.2 %
KDE 37.7 %
WindowMaker 2.2 %
Xfce 9.8 %
Other (please email us) 1.9 %
Does not apply 0.3 %

3. Which web browsers do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
Dillo 1.2 %
Epiphany 2.7 %
Firefox 58.2 %
Flock 0.6 %
Galeon 1.2 %
Konqueror 16.3 %
Mozilla 4.7 %
Netscape 4.x 0 %
Netscape 6.x or 7.x 0.2 %
Opera 12 %
Safari 0.3 %
Seamonkey 1.6 %
Other (please email us) 0.3 %
Does not apply 0.1 %

4. Which email clients do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
Balsa (GNOME) 0.3 %
Evolution 18.8 %
KMail 16.3 %
Mozilla Messenger 1.4 %
Mutt 4 %
Netscape 6.x Messenger 0.1 %
Pine 1.9 %
Scalix 0 %
SeaMonkey 0.8 %
SendMail 0.4 %
Sylpheed 3.3 %
Thunderbird 36.4 %
Other (please email us) 2.5 %
Does not apply 13.2 %

5. Which of these methods do you use to run Windows apps on your Linux desktop(s)?
Crossover 7 %
VMWare 16.7 %
Wine 33.5 %
Win4Lin 0.9 %
Xen 1.1 %
Other (please email us) 1.5 %
None -- I don't run Windows apps on Linux 38.9 %

Number of voters: 14535

Poll ended: Tue Aug 29 07:09:54 2006