El resultado es el siguiente:
1. Which Linux distros do you use on your home or office desktop system(s)? | |
Arch Linux | 1.7 % |
Damn Small Linux (DSL) | 1.5 % |
Debian | 12.2 % |
Fedora | 7 % |
Gentoo | 9.6 % |
GoblinX | 0 % |
Kanotix | 0.9 % |
Knoppix LiveCD | 2.9 % |
Linspire (formerly Lindows) | 1 % |
Mandriva (including Mandrake, Lycoris, Connectiva) | 4.8 % |
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) | 2.9 % |
openSUSE | 10.1 % |
PCLinuxOS | 2 % |
Pie Box | 0 % |
Puppy Linux | 0.6 % |
Red Hat | 2.2 % |
SimplyMEPIS | 1.5 % |
Slackware (or SLAX liveCD) | 4.6 % |
Tomahawk | 0 % |
Ubuntu (including Kubuntu, Edubuntu) | 29.2 % |
VectorLinux | 0.6 % |
Xandros | 0.8 % |
Zenwalk (formerly MiniSlack) | 1 % |
Other (please email us) | 1.5 % |
Does not apply | 0.4 % |
2. Which windowing environments do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)? | |
BlackBox | 1.6 % |
GNOME | 35.1 % |
Enlightenment | 3.8 % |
Fluxbox | 3.9 % |
IceWM | 3.2 % |
KDE | 37.7 % |
WindowMaker | 2.2 % |
Xfce | 9.8 % |
Other (please email us) | 1.9 % |
Does not apply | 0.3 % |
3. Which web browsers do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)? | |
Dillo | 1.2 % |
Epiphany | 2.7 % |
Firefox | 58.2 % |
Flock | 0.6 % |
Galeon | 1.2 % |
Konqueror | 16.3 % |
Mozilla | 4.7 % |
Netscape 4.x | 0 % |
Netscape 6.x or 7.x | 0.2 % |
Opera | 12 % |
Safari | 0.3 % |
Seamonkey | 1.6 % |
Other (please email us) | 0.3 % |
Does not apply | 0.1 % |
4. Which email clients do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)? | |
Balsa (GNOME) | 0.3 % |
Evolution | 18.8 % |
KMail | 16.3 % |
Mozilla Messenger | 1.4 % |
Mutt | 4 % |
Netscape 6.x Messenger | 0.1 % |
Pine | 1.9 % |
Scalix | 0 % |
SeaMonkey | 0.8 % |
SendMail | 0.4 % |
Sylpheed | 3.3 % |
Thunderbird | 36.4 % |
Other (please email us) | 2.5 % |
Does not apply | 13.2 % |
5. Which of these methods do you use to run Windows apps on your Linux desktop(s)? | |
Crossover | 7 % |
VMWare | 16.7 % |
Wine | 33.5 % |
Win4Lin | 0.9 % |
Xen | 1.1 % |
Other (please email us) | 1.5 % |
None -- I don't run Windows apps on Linux | 38.9 % |
Number of voters: 14535 Poll ended: Tue Aug 29 07:09:54 2006 |